Being vegan

People always want to know why you go vegan, I think it’s often an innocent curiosity but with some it can feel like an attacking “why on earth would you do that”. The latter don’t particularly want to know the answer.

I always tell people that I’ve had a lifelong difficulty with the fact I eat meat, often supporting it with simple thoughts like “cows wouldn’t exist if they didn’t breed them for meat” or “it’s a natural way to live”. I don’t know the extent of truth these ideas hold, but the moment I watched Vegucated my eyes were truly opened, if you like, my pinnacle moment.

People want to know if it’s for health or ethics (I’m not sure what they’d prefer, I think a weight loss diet is more palatable than a moral high ground) but for me, it’s both. The moment I started doing my own research in to veganism and I came across the plethora of health benefits I was honestly mind blown. People claim it’s cured their arthritis, diabetes… vision! Such crazy thoughts but if this way of living can do so much good to your body it has to be the best way to live, right?

Since going vegan I can’t say it’s always been easy, but the positives were and still are evident. I have an energy I didn’t before, but it’s more of a mental energy. I used to leave everything I needed to do in sheer laziness but now I’m just about getting things done in a way I never was before, of course I’m still lazy at times but the difference has been quite clear to me. I obviously dropped a bit of weight, not loads, I’m not a skinny girl by far but I’m holding off excess weight I struggled with before (this obviously includes my whole ‘vegan boobs’ issue, you win some you lose some). Unfortunately I suffered some negatives as well, I take vitamins every day but there was a low period whilst I was at university, following the death of my great grandma where I wasn’t eating properly, it’s very easy to slip in to a diet of all the vegan crap food you can find when you don’t feel good. I started to have hot flushes and dizzy spells, followed by shakiness and a sick feeling. Eventually I found I was vitamin D deficient and I was able to resolve this with a better diet and extra supplements. I advise anybody that I discuss veganism with that they must be able to cook. If you are unable to cook you will not be eating the right things and your health will decrease rapidly.

I’m sure many others are often asked about (I say asked, it’s usually smugly pointed out) how can we be healthier if we need supplements? I know taking supplements isn’t ideal, and if it wasn’t for the ethical issues involved I’d perhaps move to a vegan diet with added fish or chicken. But I can’t bring myself to do that, so supplements it is. I also pose that it remains healthier. How many non-vegans can say they are consuming all the correct vitamins and nutrients, everything they need? Vegans are usually very aware of what they are consuming every day and therefore, (sorry) probably healthier. The only anaemic people I know are non-vegans, B12 deficient, non-vegan… We are all susceptible to these things, just vegans are more aware and therefore take action to avoid such things.

Dealing with non-vegans is generally just fine. My favourite question I’ve ever been asked is “but what do you eat in McDonald’s”, that guy is now vegan and not through my doing. Something vegans should consider more frequently is that this lifestyle is a drastic choice that every person needs to make themselves. We can provide people with information for them to consume at their own leisure, but never should you force anybody else to share your own beliefs. I do wish that vegans didn’t have such an awful name, it’s a massive shame. People often ask my non-vegan boyfriend if it’s awful having me as a partner, which I obviously resent. I’ve never forced him into anything, though I have answered questions and guided him when he’s asked. I’ve suggested a weekday vegan diet to him, but I’ve also bought him a rack of ribs for his birthday dinner. My views are not your views and I do not want that on me.

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